Contact us, to see if a hybrid denture might be a good option for you.
Ottawa Hybrid dentures replace the complete arch of teeth, and are supported by dental implants. They are different from normal full arch dentures as well as implant retained dentures as they are supported entirely on implants. These appliances are small in design and essential as close to natural teeth as possible. They restore your bite force comparable to natural teeth so you can smile, chew and eat as before. They can be designed as a patient removable appliance so you can remove it and clean it as you wish or as practitioner removable appliance where it’s fixed in placed and can only be removed by us at your checkups, these are commonly known as an all-on-4.
Hybrid dentures offer the stability of supported by implants and enable patients to do away with full dentures.
These types of Implant Dentures, require dental implants to hold them firmly in place. The exact number of implants needed can vary from individual to individual, but in cooperation with the dental surgeon we will be able to advise you of how many you need after carrying out a full mouth assessment.
These types of Implant Denture are held in place by implant and can be patient or practitioner removable depending on your choice.
Contact us, to see if a hybrid denture might be a good option for you.
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